With Nebim V3 Discount Campaigns;
- With the discount campaigns, you can reduce existing stock and increase your customer portfolio to have a positive effect on your turnover.
- As campaigns are managed from a centralized system, you can prevent waste of time.
- Further, since campaigns are defined by the central office, you can avoid errors by store staff. By reducing potential errors for both companies and customers, you can avoid reputational failures.
- Campaigns defined by central office also prohibit manual entry of discounts and by means of this, can ensure that no discounts are applied on sales outside of the predetermined price, product and customer range.
You can easily define and implement flexible campaigns such as instant price reduction, price reduction coupons, earning and redeeming money points. In addition to default campaigns defined in Nebim V3, you can also set your own campaigns using scripts, without having to wait for the version update.
You can make wholesale campaigns and implement them starting with the ordering phase. You can have different campaigns for your staff and implement these campaigns in accordance with the shopping limits of the employees.
From your headquarters, you can define price reduction campaigns for various channels such as wholesale, retail, outlet, e-commerce, and you can activate the different campaigns for all channels also from the headquarters. For each campaign, you can define the time frame, the monetary limits and the product selection as detailed as you prefer.
Many price reduction campaigns can easily be defined and implemented simultaneously. For example:
Buy 3, pay 2;
- When you buy 2 products of brand A, the products of brand B are 50 % reduced;
- When you buy 3 of the same product, the third one has a special price;
- Price reduction coupon of 20 TL for each 100 TL that you spend;
- Special prices for selected products of brands A, B, C;
- Different price reductions for each brand and product group;
- In the section of campaigns according to method of payment, 20 % off on cash payments or 5 % reduction for card C of bank A;
- Special offers for sets: special price for suits, shirts and ties bought together
During the shopping process, you can print price reduction coupons and make use of previously given coupons. You can enter the price reduction coupons given by other companies into Nebim V3, let the customers use them for shopping, and obtain related reports.
You can have the customers earn and redeem money points during shopping, and you can obtain reports.
Gift cards can be created using serial numbers; they can be filled with any preferred amount and an expiration date can be set. You can deliver the gift cards to the stores, sell them to your customers, and set the validity days starting with the purchase date. Partial usage for shopping can be allowed. The used gift cards can be barred from further use.
The price reductions resulting from the campaigns can be applied using various alternatives such as price reduction for the product, discount for the product, or discount for the total amount on the receipt. Therefore, you can correctly assess the product profitability. You can easily obtain reports on the effects of the campaigns on sales and see which campaign has more success.