Nebim starts as the IT center of a famous brand of the era, Neyir Örme Sanayii A.Ş. (Nebim Knitwear Inc.), on an infrastructure based on IBM Unit Record in order to provide services regarding manufacturing, chronometry, ordering, store monitoring and accounting to the company.


Following the procurement of one of Turkey’s first IBM System/360 mainframe computers, office services begin to be provided to other companies in addition to Neyir Örme Sanayii A.Ş.


A separate incorporation is formed by being separated from Neyir Örme. Its new name is Nebim Neyir Bilgisayar Sanayii ve Hizmetleri A.Ş. (Nebim Neyir Computer Industry and Services Inc.)


The company becomes the Texas Instruments distributor for Turkey and starts selling hardware. A technical service unit is established within the company for service and maintenance of hardware products. The headquarters move to Dedeman Commercial Building in Istanbul, where the company has continued up until today. A regional office is established in Ankara and thus the area of activity is expanded.


The company becomes an Independent Software Vendor by creating a business model where it develops a standard “Package Software”, grants licenses for it and offers support.


A distribution channel is established so that the solutions are spread throughout Turkey.


The company enters a strategic partnership with Microsoft; starts developing software on a Client/Server software infrastructure offering a graphic user interface based on Microsoft Windows, which functions on Microsoft SQL Server.


Nebim Winner, one of Turkey’s first Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP products with a graphic user interface that functions on a relational database, is introduced.


Nebim ends hardware sales and technical service activities and starts focusing solely on software development. Subsequently, the transformation into an Independent Software Company is completed. New solution partners are added to the distribution channel so that services can be rendered to all Turkey. The strategic cooperation with Microsoft that has been going on since 1997 is strengthened, and Nebim becomes a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.


Together with 60 solution partners all around Turkey; Nebim becomes Turkey’s leader in ready-to-wear industry, footwear, chain stores, department stores and optical software by providing services to more than 10.000 companies and 90.000 users that use Nebim solutions.


Nebim V3, which Nebim has been developing since 2005, is introduced to the users. This new ERP product allows for the efficient use of resources with wholly integrated management processes, is based on targets, and functions on a flexible and scalable platform.


With more than 65 solution partners in Turkey and abroad, Nebim continues to be the leader of Turkey in ready-to-wear, footwear, chain stores, department stores and optical software by providing services to more than 10.000 companies in total, and to more than 3.000 companies that use Nebim V3 and that manage their sales and inventory operations with Nebim V3 in more than 40 countries, 16 languages and more than 500 stores abroad.

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