Offer personalized sales opportunities to your customers in your stores with Nebim V3 Guided Sales

Nebim V3 Guided Sales

Nebim V3 Guided Sales

Thanks to the Nebim V3 Guided Sales application developed for iPhone, iPad and Android, retail sales consultants working in stores can access product and customer information managed by the Nebim V3 ERP at the company's headquarters in real time, providing personalized sales opportunities and a better shopping experience to customers in the store.

Thanks to the Nebim V3 Guided Sales application

Thanks to the Nebim V3 Guided Sales application

  • Sales consultants' sales losses which result from a lack of information about product/inventory are reduced,
  • Total turnover is increased through cross-selling of complementary products and the sale of alternatives to out-of-stock products,
  • Store/customer experience is improved and customer satisfaction is enhanced through personalized sales.
Outstanding features of the Nebim V3 Guided Sales application

Outstanding features of the Nebim V3 Guided Sales application:

You can query location-based and real-time inventory, variety and price by searching from the product barcode with a camera or by product category.  

Guided Sales

You can query customer records by phone or e-mail, call them up by reading a customer card if one is available, or create a new customer record. 

Guided Sales

You can see and apply all active product- and customer-based discount campaigns when you call up a product or customer.

Guided Sales

For each product added to the shopping cart consisting of the products selected in the department, you can ensure that the current discount campaigns are applied instantly and displayed on the device.

Guided Sales

You can issue customer-specific or product-based product recommendations; offer complementary and alternative product recommendations for the product under review or for any products selected and added to the basket.

Guided Sales

You can see which stores carry the products that the customer wants and of which do you not have the relevant color or size in store, and you can request an immediate order from your stores that hold that stock.

Guided Sales

You can complete the sales process swiftly at checkout by creating a department receipt of the selected products that you have added to the cart and then sending them to the Nebim V3 POS system.  

In the Guided Sales app, you can complete the department sale process via a credit card payment without having to go to the checkout point thanks to the New Generation Cash Register with Hugin VX 675 mobile EFT-POS system.

*** Download the Nebim V3 Guided Sales application from Apple Store and Google Play.

Ask for a demo

For further information regarding Nebim V3, please ask for a demo. We will gladly visit you and present Nebim V3 demos