By means of the integration with cargo firms, ‘tailor-made’ cargo integration is possible and these cargo processes can be tracked within Nebim V3 to generate parcel barcodes and labels, and real time queries can be carried out.

Integration with 3rd Party Cargo Systems

In addition to integrating with those cargo firms already integrated with Nebim V3, you can integrate with other cargo firms as well. You can create reports on deliveries, volume, package units, delivery times and delivery information.

You can print off barcodes and labels for cargo companies – in addition to using cargo company templates, you can also custom design the barcodes and labels to suit your firm.

It is possible to query cargos on a single or aggregated basis. Aggregated reports can be taken from V3 tables updated by Windows services, whereas real time queries can be carried out on the cargo company services.

Ask for a demo

For further information regarding Nebim V3, please ask for a demo. We will gladly visit you and present Nebim V3 demos