Monitor your installment sales and sales with subsequent delivery efficiently including all processes such as guarantors, limits, payments, security information and delivery agents.

Department Slip

Department slips created in different departments can be transferred to the same order at the cash register and the sales process can be concluded. For sales made in the departments, you can enter department slips and have them printed out. During the sales, you can transfer the previously created department slips into the invoice.


For sales with subsequent delivery, you can carry out orders of sales on installments with a single key in a practical manner. On the sales screen, you can visually complement the products with their images. You can rapidly and easily call products using barcodes or from a product list. The cashiers can be alerted when a customer with a certain situation is at the cash register. A fast access to the customer card details is provided on the sales screen. You can monitor the shopping of relatives such as spouses, children, parents of customers via the customer card of the main customer. The Turkish Republic Personal Identification Numbers of your customers can be checked using algorithm checks. Using the entered Turkish Republic Personal Identification Number of the customer, you can make queries about the associated guarantors. You can search for your previously entered customers using criteria such as name, surname, address, telephone number, guarantor, and Turkish Republic Personal Identification Number. When new customer data is recorded, the store information on region, city, district and street appears automatically, so that the address information of the customer can be entered easily. You can create an installment payment plan based on products; and you can make changes on the entered payment plan and recalculate. You can apply discounts on the total shopping amount either by percentage or by a certain sum. The down payment percentage or amount can be defined, the number of installments can be changed and the installments can be calculated. You can define the maximum average due day postponement parametrically. Various payment methods such as cash, credit card, bank transfer, checks, bonds and advance payments can be accepted.

Security Information

You can search for security information on the customer based on the orders for sales on installments. The orders can be approved following this information search and then shipped. In case of sales with subsequent delivery, you can conduct security information polls for the customers. You can compare the information polls in the store and in the headquarters; and assess the consistency of the information that you have gathered. A minimum security information poll point can be defined. Orders above this defined point can be approved and made ready for delivery.

Mobile Information Questionnaire

With web-based Nebim V3 Information application, you can carry out information surveys on the field using mobile phones or tablets.

Product Supply

Based on the customer orders for installment sales with subsequent delivery, you can check your store inventory and give orders for undersupplied products to your headquarters, and then accept these products in your store. Based on customer orders, you can check the store inventory and automatically give the headquarters your orders on undersupplied products. The orders given by the store to the headquarters can be transferred to the store with a single key. The products arriving from the headquarters can be included into your inventory in a practical way when you receive them with hand terminals or desktop applications. The products arriving from the headquarters with dispatch notes can be checked for their number and can then be accepted.

Shipment and Delivery to the Customer

When products arrive from the headquarters to your store in connection with your orders on installment sales with subsequent delivery, you can ship and deliver these to the customer. You can monitor the orders awaiting delivery and obtain a list for these orders. The delivery address can be changed and the products can be delivered to the customer at different locations. You can have the products delivered to the customer by the main warehouse after the security information approval is obtained for customer orders. You can have the products delivered to the customer by the store after the security information approval is obtained for customer orders. You can have the products delivered to the customer by a different store after the security information approval is obtained for customer orders. You can open delivery agent records and define regions the delivery agents are responsible for.

Collection of Payments - Installments

You can collect payments and installments rapidly with a single key and hand a receipt of payment. You can collect installments rapidly with a single key and hand a receipt of payment printout. Priority can be assigned to unpaid previous installments. This way, you can prevent that regular payments are accepted before overdue payments are collected. For overdue payments, you can define late charge rates and apply these rates during the payment process; you can issue late charge invoices. You can parametrically define early payment discounts and collect early payments based on selected installments. You can see all the unpaid installments of your customers and select the installments for early payment. You can observe the debts of your customers in detail, on a daily, monthly or receipt basis. You can send information and reminder SMS regarding late, overdue payments and the installments that are to be paid in the near future.


You can issue invoices for the customer orders.

Doubtful Receivables and Legal Action through Lawyers

You can send letters regarding doubtful receivables, take legal action through lawyers, and instigate execution procedures.

  • Monitoring doubtful receivables: Customers who refrain from making payments for their purchases can be established and classified according to certain criteria. You can assign reasons for monitoring selected customers and use them for processes such as sending letters, taking legal action through lawyers, and execution procedures. You can find out about the customers who refrain from making payments according to given criteria. You can define criteria for these customers such as shopping/not shopping, installment payments etc. You can view the list for doubtful receivables according to defined criteria and make changes on these lists.
  • Sending letters: You can warn the customers with doubtful receivables by sending letters. Letters can be sent to customers with unpaid debts to remind them that they should settle their debts.
  • Legal Action through Lawyers: For doubtful receivables, you can monitor the legal action through lawyers. You can enter late charge rates and indemnification percentages. You can select the customers you wish to sue according to certain criteria and assign your lawyers to their cases. You can see the state of the installments as well as the late payment days and the due dates and send them to the lawyer. You can enter the additional lawyer’s fees and others costs and let the debt of the customer reflect them. You can see the installment details of these costs.
  • Execution Proceedings: You can carry out execution proceedings regarding your doubtful receivables. You can see the state of the installments as well as the late payment days and the due dates and instigate execution proceedings. Doubtful receivable cases with an assigned lawyer can be moved to execution proceedings. An installment plan can be created for execution costs. A number can be assigned to the execution proceedings file and you can obtain an additional file cost for these customers. You can add the costs for the execution proceedings to the debt account of the customer. You can instigate execution proceedings for doubtful debtors.
  • Conclude the Lawyer/Execution Proceedings: You can conclude the lawyer/execution proceedings of the doubtful receivables. You can see all the debts such as installments, late charges and costs. The payment method of the doubtful receivables can be entered, and the uncollected debts can be brought into conclusion. You can see the total doubtful receivables of a debtor, and you can accept total or partial payments regarding these debts. You can collect the total amount of the debt and close the file; or you can close the file just with a partial payment. As a result of the closed file, these customers can be prevented from shopping. It is also possible to enter a reverse amount to the customer’s debt list and settle his debt. By concluding the lawyer/execution proceedings of a customer, a receipt or an invoice can be printed in any required format. The debts can be collected.


You can integrate the invoices, payment records, as well as lawyer and execution fees of all installment sales to accounting.


In addition to Nebim V3 standard reports, you can also design your own reports using Data Warehouse. You can obtain reports similar to the ones below:

  • Installment sales turnover
  • Delivery agent distribution report
  • Report on receivables according to due dates
  • Report on receivables due/not yet due
  • Report on installment sales, payments and balances
  • Report on delayed installment payments
  • Report on installments and payments according to due dates
  • Customer who haven’t paid the first installment
  • Customers with only one remaining installment
  • Lawyer performance report

Ask for a demo

For further information regarding Nebim V3, please ask for a demo. We will gladly visit you and present Nebim V3 demos