Füsun Eczacıbaşı
Karınca | Founding Partner
"We saved tine on stock follow-up, warehouse management, and ordering processes with Nebim V3"
Having preferred Nebim V3 ERP with the desire to widen their scale by increasing the number of stores and to see Karınca as a widespread brand across Turkey, Füsun Eczacıbaşı, Founding Partner of Karınca, shared with us her opinions on the competition within the industry and the concept of customer satisfaction.
Eczacıbaşı, who touched upon their experience with Nebim V3, their future plans, and the objectives they have set, also made various suggestions to business partners on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.
Could you briefly inform us on Karınca? Since when have you been active?
Karınca started its business life in 1995 as a company that designs children’s rooms. It drew attention as a company that offers different accessories to its customers besides children’s rooms.
Later, the accessory division that developed in time built its own identity. In the year 2002, the accessories division was severed from the children’s rooms’ division and transformed into a business that operates in independent stores.
What do the concepts of competition and customer satisfaction mean to you?
Since the first day we have perceived customer satisfaction as an element that could not be compromised and we sincerely made a point of this matter as much as possible. As recent surveys indicate, our customers are quite happy with the difference our approach has made.
Could you tell us about the initial process of the collaboration with Nebim? Based on which targets did you select Nebim V3?
Our collaboration process with Nebim started with our desire to increase the number of Karınca stores and to see Karınca as a brand spread across Turkey and our decision to take action on this matter. Nowadays, we are going through immense changes as an organization, as the management, and in terms of implementation. One of the first decisions of this whole process was to transition to Nebim. At this point, fast access to the information that the departments require, and accurate analysis of the recorded data matter immensely to us and we think we can meet these needs with Nebim.
You use Nebim V3 ERP software at your company. In which of your business processes is Nebim V3 used most efficiently?
Currently we benefit efficiently from Nebim for accounting/finance, purchasing, warehouse, and stock management. Soon we will also be using it for e-Trade.
Would you recommend your business partners the “Nebim Enterprise Resource Planning” solutions? If you would, could you briefly tell us why?
I would like to advice the companies that will be using Nebim software to identify their needs in detail before anything else. I suggest that they create reporting models appropriate for them, using the software’s modules which they need the most. Our logistics, store, and warehouse shipping personnel reached the point where they can receive quite detailed and beneficial reports upon very meticulous work on the program. This is beneficial for the company in many aspects. We save a lot of time on the inter-store stock organization, warehouse management, and ordering phases.

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